The Influence of Semi-Rigid Joints on the Seismic and cyclic Response on the structural steel

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  • Hamid CHAFAI University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene “USTHB”
  • Abd Nacer Touati IHADDOUDENE University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene “USTHB”
  • Madi Wafa University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene “USTHB”


Semi-Rigid Joints, Structural Steel, Cyclic Loading, Seismic Behavior, Numerical Analysis


Structural connections in steel structure are traditionally designed on the assumption that the
beam to column joint is either fully rigid or pinned. Numerous experimental, analytical, and numerical
studies have shown that their behavior is between these two extreme cases: it’s semi-rigid. The
consideration of their real behavior “semi-rigid joints” had an important impact on the overall behavior of
steel structures. In this study, a nonlinear numerical analysis was carried out on the steel structure under
cyclic and seismic loading. The joints were taken with rigid and semi-rigid behavior. The investigation
focuses on a four stories plane steel structure using the seismostruct software. The Richard-Abbott model
is employed to predict the nonlinear behavior of the semi-rigid joints. The consideration of semi-rigid joint
connections in seismic area has a very great impact on the behavior of structures and a good efficiency in
terms of energy dissipation for structures located in seismic zones.


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Author Biographies

Hamid CHAFAI , University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene “USTHB”

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Algeria

Abd Nacer Touati IHADDOUDENE , University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene “USTHB”

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Algeria

Madi Wafa, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene “USTHB”

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Algeria


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How to Cite

CHAFAI , H., IHADDOUDENE , A. N. T., & Wafa, M. (2024). The Influence of Semi-Rigid Joints on the Seismic and cyclic Response on the structural steel . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 510–516. Retrieved from


