“Design and Implementation of Fuse Gate for efficient flow control and to enhance the storage capacity of Reservoir”

Fuse Gate / Rubber Dam, Rawal Dam, Flood Control, Storage Capacity, Reservoir StabilityAbstract
The research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Fuse Gate technology in increasing the storage capacity of the Rawal Dam while mitigating downstream flooding risks. Rawal Dam, situated on the downstream of the Korang River, has experienced a reduction in storage capacity due to alterations in the river's flow and sedimentation, particularly at the Dead Storage Level (DSL) and Normal Storage Level (NSL). A Hydrographical survey conducted using Google Earth Pro focused on assessing reservoir elevation levels and identifying areas of reduced storage capacity. Mapping terrain between the Right Guide Bank (RGB), Left Guide Bank (LGB), Right Marginal Bund (RMB), and Left Marginal Bund (LMB) was conducted, considering an estimated flood depth of 10m. The diminishing storage capacity poses significant risks to downstream areas, especially during critical months. The research aims to explore the potential of fuse gate/rubber dam technology in enhancing flow control and to mitigate the storage capacity loss of existing low to medium height dams, river management in Pakistan, with the flexibility especially to increase the Rawal Dam's storage capacity loss across the Korang River. This endeavor holds promising benefits, including improved irrigation reliability, water supply, and reduced flood risks in adjacent areas, contributing to both industry and societal welfare.
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