To Investigate the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Replacing Natural Coarse Aggregate with Plastic Made Coarse Aggregate

Eco-Friendly Environment, Plastic Made Coarse Aggregate Replaced By Natural Aggregate, Waste Plastic Bags, Workability, Compressive And Splitting Tensile StrengthAbstract
In order to determine how waste plastic affected the mechanical properties of the concrete, tests for compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength were carried out. This goal led to the initial usage of plastic made coarse aggregate in place of some natural aggregate, with four distinct ratios of plastic made coarse aggregate being employed in the manufacturing of concrete: 2%, 4%,6% and 8%.In order to investigate the combined impact of varying plastic made coarse aggregate ratios on concrete performance, mixed samples (2%, 4%,6% and 8%)were created by substituting plastic made coarse aggregate for natural aggregate, fine and coarse aggregates, and cement. In its fresh form, the workability and slump values of concrete made with various percentages of left over plastic made coarse aggregate were measured and contrasted with those of plain concrete. The compressive and splitting tensile strengths of the hardened concrete made from plastic made coarse aggregate were measured using 6 inch by 6 inch by 6 inch cubic specimens and cylindrical specimens with a 6 inch diameter and a 12 inch height. Based on the acquired data, the ideal dosage for natural aggregate is all the percentages(2% ,4%,6%and 8%). Conversely, the mechanical qualities of concrete made with a combination of plastic made coarse aggregate rose up to a certain point before declining due to poor workability. As a result, 2%,4% and6% is thought to be the ideal replacement level since combined plastic made coarse aggregate exhibits much higher strength and improved workability qualities. The discarded glass and cementitious concrete showed good adherence. Finally, useful empirical formulas have been created to calculate the flexure, splitting tensile, and compressive strengths of concrete containing various percentages of plastic made coarse aggregate. Using the suggested expressions, it is simple to estimate these strength values of the concrete made using plastic made coarse aggregate during the design stage as opposed to performing an experiment.
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