Centrifugal pump based on asynchronous machine powered by wind system in a small farm
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Asynchronous Machine, MPPT control, Wind energy, Energy storage, Agriculture IrrigationAbstract
This document present, the use of wind energy with storage using artificial intelligence in
isolated sites for different applications, such as water pumping, is of primary interest to the population
of developing countries who do not have safe access to drinking water. The objective of this dissertation
is to calculate the parameters of a centrifugal pump according to the number of a small village to satisfy
the need for water. Therefore, we use vector control associated with a submerged asynchronous motor
pump set. The configuration of this system includes a wind turbine, an MSAP, a rectifier, a bus and a
voltage inverter supplying an asynchronous machine coupled to a centrifugal pump. Moreover, an MPPT
block which ensures operation at maximum power of the wind system.
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