Sedimentological description of Oued Lahouar’s Maastrichtian section

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  • Naji Jdaba University of Ibn Zohr
  • Ahmed Algouti University Cadi Ayyad
  • Ali Aydda University of Ibn Zohr
  • Hadach Fatiha University of Ibn Zohr
  • Abdelhalim Tabit University Cadi Ayyad
  • Imane El Kihal University Cadi Ayyad
  • Zaina Nidsaid University Cadi Ayyad
  • Kaouthar Majdouli University Cadi Ayyad
  • Mohamed Lakhlili University Cadi Ayyad
  • Jaouad Aadaj University Cadi Ayyad
  • Khadija Lamrani University Cadi Ayyad
  • Yahia Laadimi University Cadi Ayyad


Sedimentology, Paleoenvironment, Maastrichtian, Oued Lahouar, Morocco


The Maastrichtian section within Oued Lahouar offers a unique opportunity to investigate
sedimentological characteristics and depositional processes in this stratigraphic unit. This study presents a
comprehensive sedimentological description of the Maastrichtian section in Oued Lahouar, focusing on
lithology, sedimentary structures, and depositional environments. Field observations, sedimentological
analysis, and petrographic examinations were conducted to unravel the sedimentary history of the
formation. The study emphasizes different fossils, trace fossils and carbonate nodules identification.
Sedimentary structures such as cross-bedding, ripple marks, and bioturbation provide insights into the
depositional dynamics and paleoenvironmental conditions. Interpretations suggest deposition in a shallow
marine setting characterized by fluctuating energy conditions. Additionally, the presence of fossil
assemblages aids in paleoenvironmental reconstructions and correlation with regional stratigraphy. This
sedimentological study contributes to a better understanding of the Maastrichtian sedimentary processes
and paleoenvironments in the Oued Lahouar area, shedding light on the geological evolution of the region
during the Late Cretaceous period.


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Author Biographies

Naji Jdaba, University of Ibn Zohr

Faculty of sciences, Laboratory of Geosciences, environment and Geomatics, Department of Geology, Agadir Morocco

Ahmed Algouti, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco

Ali Aydda, University of Ibn Zohr

Faculty of sciences, Laboratory of Geosciences, environment and Geomatics, Department of Geology,
Agadir Morocco

Hadach Fatiha, University of Ibn Zohr

Faculty of sciences, Laboratory of Geosciences, environment and Geomatics, Department of Geology,
Agadir Morocco.

Abdelhalim Tabit, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Imane El Kihal, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Zaina Nidsaid, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Kaouthar Majdouli, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Mohamed Lakhlili, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Jaouad Aadaj, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Khadija Lamrani, University Cadi Ayyad

Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.

Yahia Laadimi, University Cadi Ayyad

 Faculty of Science Semlalia, Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Geology of Morocco "2GRNT" Geology Department. BP 2390, 40000, Marrakech, Morocco.


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How to Cite

Jdaba, N., Algouti, A., Aydda, A., Fatiha, H., Tabit, A., El Kihal, I., Nidsaid, Z., Majdouli, K., Lakhlili, M., Aadaj, J., Lamrani, K., & Laadimi, Y. (2024). Sedimentological description of Oued Lahouar’s Maastrichtian section. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(2), 716–720. Retrieved from


