Prevalence of Strongylus spp infection in donkey’s population from Gjirokastra district, Albania

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  • Ilir Dova Agricultural University of Tirana
  • Rezart Postoli Agricultural University of Tirana
  • Dhimitër Rapti Agricultural University of Tirana
  • Majlind Sulce Agricultural University of Tirana
  • Enkeleda Ozuni Agricultural University of Tirana


Donkeys, Strongylus Spp., Gjirokastra District


The study was carried to determine the prevalence of strongylus spp infection in working donkey’s from Gjirokastra region, during spring - summer 2023. Internal parasites are the major cause of morbility and mortality in working donkeys. For that purpose 40 fresh fecal samples were collected from the animals, and examined by improved modified McMaster method. The infection rate of strongylidaee spp resulted 100 %. The data of the study revealed high prevalence of infection with strongylus spp. in both groups of donkeys. Further study is needed with the aim to identify and prevent heavy infection of donkeys used as working animals by local farmers of the district from strongylus spp.


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Author Biographies

Ilir Dova, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Rezart Postoli, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Dhimitër Rapti, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Majlind Sulce, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania

Enkeleda Ozuni, Agricultural University of Tirana

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Albania


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How to Cite

Dova, I., Postoli, R., Rapti, D., Sulce, M., & Ozuni, E. (2024). Prevalence of Strongylus spp infection in donkey’s population from Gjirokastra district, Albania . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(3), 35–38. Retrieved from


