PUF-Based Lightweight Authentication Framework for RFID Systems

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  • Shabbir Ahmad University of Engineering & Technology
  • Fazal Muhammad University of Engineering & Technology
  • Hamza Ali University of Engineering & Technology
  • Muhammad Ismail University of Engineering & Technology
  • Sana Ullah University of Malakand


RFID Systems, Internet Of Things, Physically Unclonable Functions, Desynchronization Attacks, Authentication Protocol, Privacy


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems have become an essential technology for Internet of Things (IoT) applications that require dependable and secure item identification. However, the widespread adoption of RFID systems is hindered by security and privacy concerns. While cryptographic techniques that incorporate Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have been introduced to enhance tamper-resistant features, they remain vulnerable to attacks, particularly desynchronization. This research proposes an improved and privacy-preserving authentication protocol that is specifically designed for RFID systems. The proposed protocol capitalizes on an ideal PUF environment to effectively combat desynchronization attacks, ensuring robust security measures. A comprehensive performance evaluation was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness, security, and practicality of the proposed solutions. The proposed solutions are particularly well-suited for resource-constrained RFID tags. The outcomes of this research contribute to mitigating the security and privacy challenges in RFID systems, thereby facilitating their secure and reliable integration across diverse IoT applications. This research has significant academic and practical implications for researchers and practitioners working in the field of IoT security and privacy and can pave the way for the successful deployment of RFID systems in a wide range of applications.


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Author Biographies

Shabbir Ahmad, University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering, Mardan, KPK (Pakistan)

Fazal Muhammad, University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering, Mardan, KPK (Pakistan)

Hamza Ali, University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering,Mardan, KPK (Pakistan)

Muhammad Ismail, University of Engineering & Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering, Mardan, KPK (Pakistan)

Sana Ullah, University of Malakand

Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Dir Lower 18800, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Ahmad, S., Muhammad, F., Ali, H., Ismail, M., & Ullah, S. (2024). PUF-Based Lightweight Authentication Framework for RFID Systems. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(3), 58–67. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1788


