Determination of Natural Frequency Vibration of Crankshaft from Internal Combustion Engine with Finite Element Analysis
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Internal Combustion Engines, Crankshaft, Vibration Analysis, Finite Element Method, LS DYNAAbstract
In this study, the vibration behavior of the crankshaft used in internal combustion engines was
analyzed with a finite element program. The study was carried out with the LS DYNA finite element
program. The shaft model created with Solidworks was then made into a finite element analysis by
entering the material and boundary conditions in the Lst-prepost program. The effect of the type of
material used in the study and its mechanical properties on the results of the calculations was analyzed.
Steel and Aluminum Al6061-T6 were used as shaft materials. Eigenvalue material card was used for 10
different frequency modes. The maximum error for two different materials was determined to 25.2%.
Therefore, it has been determined that the type of material used is an effective parameter on vibration.
The results presented here are intended to shed light on future studies on crankshaft geometry changes.
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