Toward the preservation of earthen architecture in Algeria

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  • Narimane Rabehi University of Biskra
  • Adel Sekhri University of Setif 1


Ksar Tadjmout, Preservation, Historical Analysis, Southern Algerian, Laghouat


Algeria boasts a rich cultural heritage, highlighting human creative genius, notably through earthen architecture, which constitutes some of the most beautiful archaeological and historical sites in southern Algeria. Human settlements seamlessly integrated into the landscape, despite environmental conditions, manifest as 'ksour' that have evolved to form a compact fabric with meticulously hierarchical dwellings and streets. The Ksar Tadjmout, one of the five ksours in the city of Laghouat, has retained its original structure to this day, bearing witness to earthen architecture in Algeria. Historical analysis has shed light on how this establishment evolved over time, primarily aimed at preserving the historical and urban identity of each region through the recognition and preservation of these ksour.


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Author Biographies

Narimane Rabehi, University of Biskra

Department of Architecture, LACOMOFA Laboratory, Algeria

Adel Sekhri, University of Setif 1

Department of Architecture, LACOMOFA Laboratory, University of Biskra, Algeria. LHE Laboratory,  Algeria


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How to Cite

Rabehi, N., & Sekhri, A. (2024). Toward the preservation of earthen architecture in Algeria. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(3), 201–207. Retrieved from


