Western High Atlas Morocco The complex reef of Cap Ghir, Upper Jurassic Oxfordian

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  • Mohamed Lakhlili University Cadi Ayyad
  • Ahmed Algouti University Cadi Ayyad
  • Fatiha Hadach
  • Yahia Laadimi University Cadi Ayyad
  • Imane El Kihal University Cadi Ayyad
  • Kaouthar Majdouli University Cadi Ayyad
  • Khadija Lamrani University Cadi Ayyad
  • Khadija Oudour University Cadi Ayyad
  • Jaouad Aadaj University Cadi Ayyad
  • Hayat El Khounaijri University Cadi Ayyad
  • Naji Jdaba


Reef, Upper Jurassic, Oxfordian, Argovian, Rauracian, Sequanian, Cape Ghir, Agadir


The Upper Jurassic of the Moroccan margin, particularly in the Agadir Essaouira basin, and specifically in its western part towards the Atlantic Ocean, is characterized by geological diversity. The reef association of Cap Ghir in the western High Atlas is mainly composed of bioconstructions such as colonies of stromatoporoids, which are abundant during the initial reef formation. These colonies exhibit massive or globular forms similar to those of corals. Other bioclastic elements such as bivalves and gastropods are also found, which contribute to reef construction and are often cemented by algal or microbial micrite. The area is characterized by an abundance of branches and masses, generally exhibiting Framestone and Bindstone textures, indicating a turbulent environment.


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Author Biographies

Mohamed Lakhlili, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Ahmed Algouti, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Fatiha Hadach

Laboratory: Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic/ faculty of science Agadir Ibno Zohr, Morocco

Yahia Laadimi, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Imane El Kihal, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Kaouthar Majdouli, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Khadija Lamrani, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Khadija Oudour, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Jaouad Aadaj, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Hayat El Khounaijri, University Cadi Ayyad

Laboratory: Geosciences, Geotourism, Natural Hazards and Remote Sensing/faculty of science Semlalia, Morocco

Naji Jdaba

Laboratory: Geosciences, Environment and Geomatic/ faculty of science Agadir Ibno Zohr, Morocco


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How to Cite

Lakhlili, M., Algouti, A., Hadach, F., Laadimi, Y., El Kihal, I., Majdouli, K., Lamrani, K., Oudour, K., Aadaj, J., El Khounaijri, H., & Jdaba, N. (2024). Western High Atlas Morocco The complex reef of Cap Ghir, Upper Jurassic Oxfordian. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(3), 233–244. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1811


