Statistical Modelling of Worldwide Share of Population with Cancer in the Aspect of Greenhouse Gas Emissions as Indicators of Climate Change by Generalized Linear Model Approach for Balanced Panel Data in Epidemiology

Cancer, Greenhouse gas emissions, Climate change, Inverse Gaussian distribution, Gamma distribution, Gaussian distribution, Generalized linear model, panel dataAbstract
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions leading to global warming and climate change is an important topic in the world agenda for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 13 as taking urgent action to combat climate change. Therefore, a rapidly increasing relationship between the GHG emissions that causes warming in the global climate and worldwide cancer risk has come to the fore. Starting from this point, in this study, the relationships between “worldwide share of population with cancer” and “annual total carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) greenhouse gas emissions” data are statistically investigated using generalized linear model (GLM) approach having “Gaussian”, “inverse Gaussian”, and “Gamma” distributions under “log” and “identity” link functions belonging to 187 countries’ balanced panel data between 2000 and 2019. For this purpose, the response variable in this study is taken as “share of total population with any form of cancer”, and also the explanatory variables are taken as “annual total CO2, NO2, and CH4 greenhouse gas emissions measured in tonnes per person” belonging to these countries in the world from 2000 to 2019. The GLM approach for panel data having inverse Gaussian distribution under the log-link function is determined as the best fitted model according to goodness-of-fit test statistics (GOF) as the “quasi-likelihood under independence model criterion (QIC)” and the “corrected quasi-likelihood under independence model criterion (QICC)” with the minimum values 116.08 and 121.519, respectively. As the principle results and major conclusion of this study, share of total population with any form of cancer belonging to the 187 countries from 2000 to 2019 increases exp(0.079)=1.0822, exp(0.129)=1.1377, and exp(0.041)=1.0419 times by per capita increase in the CO2, NO2, and CH4 greenhouse gas emissions measured in tonnes per person, respectively.
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