Protection of the city's cultural heritage also with the help of partial 3D models

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  • Ondrej Takáč J. Selye University
  • Ladislav Végh J. Selye University
  • Krisztina Czakóová J. Selye University
  • Daniel Dancsa J. Selye University
  • Melinda Nagy J. Selye University


Cultural heritage, Photogrammetry, 3D models, partial 3D models, OPPO Reno 5z


In our paper, we will focus on the creation of partial as well as full 3D models of real objects in the context of cultural heritage protection. In the case of partial 3D models, we will focus on smaller objects that present the aesthetic aspect of everyday life captured in common building architecture. These are often already of significance to us today as cultural heritage. We value them for their age and as a legacy of past generations. We can read in them not only a way of life, but also their aesthetic sensibility, cultural atmosphere, social tradition and the so-called Genius Loci. It often happens, however, that in cities rich in historical architecture, modern sculptures or works of architecture by local artists begin to appear, set against the backdrop of the magnificent monuments of the past. These works are also an expression of the modern sensibility of ordinary citizens and deserve our attention. We will show 3D models of such sculptures as well, so full 3D models. In our paper we will show some of these monuments of the city of Gdańsk and around also pointing out not only the historical value of the 3D models, but also the typical statistical parameters describing the 3D models presented by us. In the conclusion of the paper we will offer a methodology for the creation of such models with the help of commonly available technical means of modern times, i.e. for everyone who has a mobile phone and access to the Internet.


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Author Biographies

Ondrej Takáč, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Informatics, Slovakia

Ladislav Végh, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Informatics, Slovakia

Krisztina Czakóová, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Faculty of Economics and Informatics, Slovakia

Daniel Dancsa, J. Selye University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Slovakia

Melinda Nagy, J. Selye University

Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Takáč, O., Végh, L., Czakóová, K., Dancsa, D., & Nagy, M. (2024). Protection of the city’s cultural heritage also with the help of partial 3D models . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 64–72. Retrieved from


