Mechanical Performance of Microfiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Mortar with Nano-Titania

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  • Muhammad Usman University of Engineering and Technology
  • Malik Muhammad Azaan University of Engineering and Technology
  • Muhammad Arshad University of Engineering and Technology
  • Ali Raza University of Engineering and Technology
  • Mudasir Munir University of Engineering and Technology
  • Sardar Shahab Udin University of Engineering and Technology


Geopolymer Mortar, Micro-Basalt Fibers, Nano-Titania, Compressive Strength, Toughness Modulus


Geopolymer (GP) mortars are highly acknowledged in the concrete industry as superior cement alternatives, providing an environmentally benign and sustainable building solution. Micro-fibers and nanoparticles are crucial for improving the mechanical characteristics of fiber-reinforced (FRF) GP mortars and expanding their practical application. By adding different amounts of nano-Titania, this work seeks to enhance the mechanical behaviour of GP mortars based on micro basalt-FRF fly ash. Two weight percent of micro-basalt fibres (MBF) are added to GP mortars together with four different titanium doses (varying from 1% to 4%). For comparison, a control model with 2% MBF and no Titania is also created. According to the findings, micro basalt-FRF-GP mortar's toughness modulus, flexural strength, elastic modulus, and compressive strength are all increased by 27%, 61%, 8%, and 66%, respectively, when 3% titanium is added.


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Author Biographies

Muhammad Usman, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of civil Engineering, Taxila, Pakistan

Malik Muhammad Azaan, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of civil Engineering, Taxila, Pakistan

Muhammad Arshad, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of civil Engineering, Taxila, Pakistan

Ali Raza, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of civil Engineering, Taxila, Pakistan

Mudasir Munir, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of civil Engineering, Taxila, Pakistan

Sardar Shahab Udin, University of Engineering and Technology

Department of civil Engineering, Taxila, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Usman, M., Azaan, M. M., Arshad, M., Raza, A., Munir, M., & Udin, S. S. (2024). Mechanical Performance of Microfiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Mortar with Nano-Titania. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 193–200. Retrieved from


