Measure The Software Quality Based On Bat Optimization Algorithm

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  • Ahmed F. Rashad University of Kirkuk
  • Shahla U. Umar University of Kirkuk


Machine Learning, Bat Optimization, Software Quality, Evaluation Matrix


Measuring software quality is essential for software development as it affects the user experience and performance of software. Traditional methods of measuring software quality can be time-consuming and resource-intensive Therefore, the paper proposes a novel method based on bat optimization algorithm to measuring software quality. It is an optimization method inspired by nature and based on bats' echolocation behavior. The experiments on a data set of jm1 software projects that the bat optimization algorithm can effectively measure software quality. Regarding accuracy, the findings show that Decision Tree and Random Forest regularly beat the other classifiers. These models have excellent accuracy rates, suggesting their ability to properly categories software instances and identify possible quality concerns. KNN perform well, whereas the Multilayered Perceptron model and Adaboost performs poorly. Out of fiver classifier the performance of Decision tree and Random forest classifier is good, achieve Decision tree 99.7% and Random forest classifier 97.9% training accuracy.


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Author Biographies

Ahmed F. Rashad , University of Kirkuk

Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Kirkuk, Iraq, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq

Shahla U. Umar, University of Kirkuk

Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Kirkuk, Iraq, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq


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How to Cite

Rashad , A. F., & Umar, S. U. (2024). Measure The Software Quality Based On Bat Optimization Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 201–220. Retrieved from


