Providing Faulty Thread Detection in Tie Rod End Grease Fittings with Machine Learning Method “YOLO” algorithm and “Smart-VS”

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  • Muhammed Abdullah ÖZEL AYD Automotive Industry R&D Center
  • Mehmet Yasin GÜL AYD Automotive Industry R&D Center


YOLO, Deep Learning, Object Detection, Grease Fitting, Labeling


The tie rod end transmits the movement from the steering box to the wheels of the vehicle. The joint in the tie rod ends ensures that the pushing motion is transmitted in a mobile way. These joints must be lubricated with grease to reduce the friction force. In order to easily perform the lubrication process, there are greases that have an oily ball at the end and can be easily disassembled. Manufacturer-induced faults may occur in greasers. Frequently encountered tooth production errors can cause serious problems. A greaser with a thread defect can be fitted with a tight fit and disconnected from the assembly under fatigue. For this reason, greasers must be checked and separated during assembly. Defect control systems used in industry are generally carried out manually. At the same time, manual control varies according to operator competence and initiative. High efficiency, low cost and objectivity can be achieved with machine learning-based systems. One of the machine learning techniques, the deep learning algorithm YOLO (You Only Look Once) is extremely fast and sharp. In the supervised learning process, it is necessary to obtain the data that is desired to be determined, and to label and train the data. In this study, a detailed investigation of YOLO-based object detection with object detection methods designed in recent years, the effect of data labeling on detection results and Smart-VS Smart sensor performance comparisons were made.


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Author Biographies

Muhammed Abdullah ÖZEL, AYD Automotive Industry R&D Center

Konya, Türkiye

Mehmet Yasin GÜL, AYD Automotive Industry R&D Center

Konya, Türkiye


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How to Cite

ÖZEL, M. A., & GÜL, M. Y. (2024). Providing Faulty Thread Detection in Tie Rod End Grease Fittings with Machine Learning Method “YOLO” algorithm and “Smart-VS”. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 225–233. Retrieved from


