Good Governance, Organizational Performance, Manufacturing FirmsAbstract
Despite extensive discussions on regulatory agency on the relationship between corporate governance and organisational performance, it is not new that most extant literature and empirical investigations do not provide detailed explanation on relationship between corporate governance and firm innovation performance. Although, some empirical studies revealed that there is negative relationship between the two variables. Thus, this study examined the extent to which corporate governance and organisational performance. The study sampled listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria stock exchange. The source of data was obtained from extracted data on activities of the selected firm period from 2008 to 2017. The method of data analyses for the study are Hausman test, cross sectional panel multiple regression, fixed effect result, random effect, pool effect. These methods are employed to examine the extent of relationship and interaction impact on the selected variables. Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix was used to pre-test the data in order to determine whether they are normally distributed. Thus, the study revealed that positive and significant relationship between board size, board independence and audit committee with firm financial performance. The study further indicated that ownership structure has negative and insignificant relationship with firm financial performance. The study asserted that the dimensions selected for measuring corporate governance mechanism on firm financial performance was adequately observed. The director ownership is quite low at 4% and has an inverse relationship with the performance measures. The average board size is found to be 9 which is in concordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission Code of Corporate Code of Corporate governance. The audit committee is on the average 49% independent which results in an impact on performance based on return on equity and profit margin. The study recommended that member on corporate governance in different companies should carry constantly carry out an audit of compliance on corporate governance as its affect firm financial performance.
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