SAFe® - Lean Map: A Systematic Mapping Study between SAFe® and Lean Production

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  • Oğuzhan Ceylan Uskudar University
  • Mehmet Savsar


Scaled Agile Framework, Large Scale Agile, Total Quality, Toyota Way, Lean


Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®), one of the recent agile frameworks, aims to spread agile methods across organizations as many other large-scale frameworks. Featured with strongly documented standards, flows, and release trains at different levels which synchronize different teams and groups of teams, the framework has been among the most preferred methodologies for the last few years in terms of usage volume. Through case studies and experiences of practitioners in the academic literature, the framework has evolved over the years and has reached version 6.0. Many upgrades have been committed to including strategic patterns, budgeting, portfolio management, value streams, several configurations for framework setup, and a lean quality mindset. The fact that the leading concept in recent versions is "lean" requires questioning the relationship between the Toyota Way (TW) and Total Quality Management (TQM). In this study, a systematic review of the relationship between SAFe and lean production (LP) was conducted in the first stage by taking base of a ready characteristic set of LP, then terminological mappings were tried to be found by conducting separate reviews for each lean production sub-element. The resulting set can be used as input in subsequent studies and can lead the way to the detailed stage.


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Author Biographies

Oğuzhan Ceylan, Uskudar University

Graduate School of Science, Turkey

Mehmet Savsar

Department of Industrial Engineering, University, Turkey


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How to Cite

Ceylan, O., & Savsar, M. (2024). SAFe® - Lean Map: A Systematic Mapping Study between SAFe® and Lean Production . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 330–339. Retrieved from


