Mechanical and optical micrographic analysis of rubberized concrete for pavement infrastructure reinforcement

Rubberied Concrete, Mechanical Performance, Optical Micrograph Analysis, Crack Propagation, Energy AbsorptionAbstract
In this research the mechanical performance of developed composites, namely the crumb rubber concrete (CRC) and ground tire rubber concrete (GTRC) was assessed to verify their suitability regarding the strengths specified by various technical guidelines used in rigid pavement structural design. Despite feasibility tests reported in the literature, the incorporation of rubber adversely affects the mechanical characteristics of the resulting composites. The focus lies in evaluating compressive and tensile strengths, as well as flexural and splitting strength of rubberized concrete. Traditionally, compressive strength serves as the reference characteristic for cementitious materials. However, in the case of rigid pavements, they function as multilayer structures primarily subjected to tensile forces due to repeated heavy loads. Consequently, concrete experiences premature cracking due to its limited deformation capacity. Visual and optical micrograph analysis of various composites under compression and tension reveals their structural integrity and remarkable ability to restrict crack propagation within the cementitious matrix. The interlocking of crack lips, typically oriented parallel to applied loads, and the behavior of rubberized composites after fracture prompt reflection on the dissipative and energy absorbing effects of elastomers. Notably, fine ground tire rubber used in GTRC exhibits a favorable tendency to withstand transferred stresses. This research provides valuable insights into the mechanical behavior of rubberized concrete, emphasizing its potential for durable and resilient applications.
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