Truncated patch with circular ring metamaterial for enhanced MIMO performance

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  • Amanullah University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
  • Muhammad Abdul Basit University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
  • Nouman Rasool China West Normal University


Circular Ring, 5G, Metamaterial, MIMO, Truncated Patch and Wideband


In this paper, a new wideband metamaterial truncated structure unit cell is introduced, comprising a novel unit cell design aimed at enhancing 5G applications. The unit cell features a truncated structure with a decagon ring slotted in a patch with three slits and is designed on a low-cost FR-4 lossy substrate. With dimensions of 13.8×13.8 mm² and a thickness of 1.6 mm (εr = 4.4, tanδ = 0.02), the proposed metamaterial unit cell covers a wideband frequency range from 7.5 GHz to 9.2 GHz. Notably, it spans segments of the S-band and extends into the C-band within the microwave regime. Simulation results highlight the unit cell's intriguing performance features, particularly its wideband capabilities. These characteristics position the proposed metamaterial unit cell as a promising solution for enhancing Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) performance in 5G communication systems. Through comprehensive analysis, this study underscores the potential of the proposed metamaterial design to address the evolving demands of high-speed data transmission and reliable connectivity in modern wireless communication networks.


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Author Biographies

Amanullah, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila

Department of Telecommunication Engineering, 47080, Pakistan

Muhammad Abdul Basit, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila

Department of Telecommunication Engineering, 47080, Pakistan

Nouman Rasool, China West Normal University

School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanchong, China


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How to Cite

Amanullah, Basit, M. A., & Rasool, N. (2024). Truncated patch with circular ring metamaterial for enhanced MIMO performance . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 426–431. Retrieved from


