Effect of Work Place Bullying on Job Performance And Health Among Nurses

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  • Nirgis Shaheen Quetta Institute Of Medical Sciences (QIMS)
  • Naeema Khan Quetta Institute Of Medical Sciences (QIMS)
  • Farid Asif Shaheen PMAS Arid Agriculture University
  • Zahida Shaheen PMAS Arid Agriculture University


Bullying, Work Place, Job Performance, Health and Nurses


At the beginning of the 21st Century, workplace bullying became a hot topic of discussion. There have been a limited number of research studies on bullying to which nurses are exposed. Bullying at work has a negative impact on a person's ability to do their job. The purpose of the current study is to determine the rate and nature of workplace bullying experienced by nurses who work in tertiary care in Pakistan and the effects on nurses’ practice and depression status. A five section survey form was used for the collection of research data. The first section consisted of the participants' demographic information, such as gender, age, education, position and experience. The other variables were collected in four groups: workplace bullying behavior, workload, organizational effects and depression. The cross sectional study design was conducted in a tertiary care hospital for the period of six months. The sample Size was 110 Nurses of tertiary care hospital and the sampling technique was Convenient Random Sampling and the measurement tool was a questionnaire including five sections. The first section included the participants' demographic information; the other variables were measured in four categories: Workplace bullying behavior, workload, working hour, organizational effects, and depression. Data collection method was distribution of questionnaire. Workplace bullying leads to depression, lowered work motivation, decreased ability to concentrate, poor productivity, lack of commitment to work, and poor relationships with patients, managers and colleagues. Bullying experienced by nurses negatively affects nurses’ job performance and can lead to depression. It is hoped that practitioners in the field will take these findings into account in order to modify the working conditions of clinical nurses and decrease bullying behaviors in the hospitals.


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Author Biographies

Nirgis Shaheen, Quetta Institute Of Medical Sciences (QIMS)

Quetta-08734, PAKISTAN

Naeema Khan, Quetta Institute Of Medical Sciences (QIMS)

Quetta-08734, PAKISTAN

Farid Asif Shaheen, PMAS Arid Agriculture University

Department Of Entomology, Rawalpindi-46300, PAKISTAN

Zahida Shaheen, PMAS Arid Agriculture University

Directorate Of IT Services, Rawalpindi-46300, PAKISTAN


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How to Cite

Shaheen, N., Khan, N., Shaheen, F. A., & Shaheen, Z. (2024). Effect of Work Place Bullying on Job Performance And Health Among Nurses. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(4), 481–488. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1872


