Implementing Standards for Student Assessment

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  • Besa Dogani University of Tetova


Assessment, students, standards, primary education, educators, performance indicators


Within the realm of education, assessment plays a pivotal role in reflecting both teaching efficacy
and student learning outcomes. It necessitates teachers' perpetual readiness and determination in shaping
students' educational journey. Traditionally viewed as discrete undertakings, the processes of learning and
assessment prompt educators to engage in continuous reflection, from lesson planning to execution,
encompassing content delivery and instructional methodologies such as explanation, inquiry, and discourse.
This master's thesis endeavors to provide a comprehensive examination of diverse assessment techniques
and their alignment with established standards, investigating their impact on enhancing student
achievement within the context of curriculum acquisition. It seeks to elucidate the interplay between
assessment strategies and academic performance. Utilizing a questionnaire tailored for educators, this study
aims to identify and delineate the intricate connections between assessment methodologies and student


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Author Biography

Besa Dogani, University of Tetova

Faculty of Pedagogy, North Macedonia


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How to Cite

Dogani, B. (2024). Implementing Standards for Student Assessment. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(5), 296–304. Retrieved from


