Migration Processes in Azerbaijan and their Effects on the Sustainable Development of the Enterprise Economy

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  • Maryam Adli Khazar University


Migration, Labour Migrants, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Ease Of Doing Business, Investment Climate


In the course of studying the theoretical and practical consequences of migration processes in the context of socio-economic and political crisis in the world, the concept of "migration" was clarified. Due to the large number of approaches to the definition of this term, it is substantiated that during the study, it is advisable to consider the regional context, i.e., to rely on the definition consolidated in the national legislative framework of Azerbaijan. The types of migration were revealed and the importance of such a type as labour migration was emphasised. The need for legal protection and regulation of migration processes was substantiated, both from the standpoint of economic considerations and considering the needs of migrants themselves. The main provisions of some international documents regulating migration processes are disclosed (Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration A/RES/73/195, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, Durban Declaration) and other human rights mechanisms are described (Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants, Committee on Migrant Workers). The role of migration processes in the sustainable development of the enterprise economy is emphasised by defining sustainable development goals that correlate with both migration and the development of the enterprise economy. The positive role of migrant workers in the economic development of countries is confirmed by determining the benefits of migration and supporting the results obtained with statistical indicators. The study of the Ease of Doing Business Index values confirmed that Azerbaijan has created a favourable environment for entrepreneurial activity. As a result of the analysis, recommendations were developed for further expanding opportunities for immigrants to strengthen their positive impact on the enterprise economy in Azerbaijan.


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Author Biography

Maryam Adli, Khazar University

Department of Economics and Management, Azerbaijan


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How to Cite

Adli, M. (2024). Migration Processes in Azerbaijan and their Effects on the Sustainable Development of the Enterprise Economy. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(6), 9–22. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1922


