Designing of Hybrid Multi-Level Inverter for Photo Voltaic Applications

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  • Engr. Sami Ur Rahman UET Mardan
  • Dr. Fazal Muhammad UET Mardan
  • Engr. Ihteshamul Haq UET Mardan
  • Muhammad Ismail UET Mardan




The global surge in energy demand has highlighted the limitations of fossil fuels, both in terms of cost and availability, prompting a shift towards renewable energy sources. Developed countries are effectively managing their resources for current and future needs, while developing nations face imminent fossil fuel shortages. Renewable energy, particularly photovoltaic (PV) systems, offers a sustainable alternative due to their noiseless operation, low maintenance, and minimal environmental impact. The main challenge is the integration of renewable energy into existing AC power grids. This research focuses on incorporating PV systems to meet various power demands using a novel topology known as Multiple Levels Inverter with switch DC sources. Inverters, essential for converting DC voltage from sources like PV arrays into AC, are crucial in this process.The proposed design uses PV output as the DC input voltage, converting it into AC power via a single-phase multi-level inverter. Traditional two-level inverters suffered from issues like high total harmonic distortion (THD) and increased losses with higher levels. Multi-level inverters, however, are advantageous for high-power applications, reducing harmonic distortion and approaching a sinusoidal output waveform as levels increase. This study examines the voltage and current waveforms and evaluates total harmonic distortion in the system. Applications such as variable frequency drives (VFD), pumps, and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) benefit from multi level inverters. The performance of the single-phase multi-level inverter will be analyzed using MATLAB and Simulink software, providing insights into its efficacy and efficiency.


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Author Biographies

Engr. Sami Ur Rahman, UET Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering  Mardan, Pakistan

Dr. Fazal Muhammad, UET Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering  Mardan, Pakistan

Engr. Ihteshamul Haq, UET Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering Mardan, Pakistan

Muhammad Ismail, UET Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering  Mardan, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Rahman, E. S. U., Muhammad, D. F., Haq, E. I., & Ismail, M. (2024). Designing of Hybrid Multi-Level Inverter for Photo Voltaic Applications . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(6), 51–62. Retrieved from


