Regression-Based Temperature Prediction Using Humidity and Pressure Data for Smart Factories

ndustry 4.0, Smart Factory, Sensor, RegressionAbstract
With the rapid growth of technology, numerous new innovations appear in our life. One of these advancements is Industry 4.0, often known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which brings together the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems. IoT enables the transport of sensor data via the internet, allowing for data exchange and central control systems that do not require human participation. Smart Factories, which are equipped with automation technologies that allow for real-time monitoring and remote control, improve production efficiency by guaranteeing that development in each department is handled from a single location. The Smart Factory Management Information System is a computer-based information system that generates management reports by aggregating and summarizing transaction records obtained via sensors. This method improves energy efficiency in response to rising energy demand. It also gives responsible workers with quick access to information, cost savings, and system security. The primary goal of this study is to estimate temperature using humidity and pressure data. The BME680 sensor was used to make pressure and humidity-based temperature forecasts. Temperature predictions were made using Gaussian Process Regression, a machine learning methodology, based on sensor data, and it was discovered that this method produces more accurate predictions of actual values. The study demonstrates that a Smart Factory Management Information System loaded with Industry 4.0 innovations can make substantial contributions to enhancing energy efficiency, lowering costs, and maximizing efficiency.
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