Picture Fuzzy B-spline Curve Approximation Model

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  • Nur Azlida Ahmad Universiti Tenaga National (UNITEN) Jalan Ikram-Uniten
  • Mohammad Izat Emir Zulkifly University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)


B-Spline Curve, Approximation Method, Picture Fuzzy Control Point Relation, Picture Fuzzy B-Spline Curve


In this paper, the picture fuzzy set approach was applied to introduce the approximation of B spline curve model. Firstly, picture fuzzy control point relation is described by using basic concepts of picture fuzzy set which is involved picture fuzzy number and picture fuzzy relation. The B-spline basis function is then combined with the picture fuzzy control point relation. Afterwards, using an approximation technique, fuzzy B-spline curves are created and displayed. In conclusion, a few numerical instances for creating the desired curve are displayed.


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Author Biographies

Nur Azlida Ahmad, Universiti Tenaga National (UNITEN) Jalan Ikram-Uniten

Department of Foundation and General Studies, 43000 Kajang, Malaysia

Mohammad Izat Emir Zulkifly, University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, 81310, Johor Bharu, Malaysia


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How to Cite

Ahmad, N. A., & Zulkifly, M. I. E. (2024). Picture Fuzzy B-spline Curve Approximation Model. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(6), 150–157. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/1938


