Myofascial Release Exercises in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Traditional Review

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  • Mehmet SÖNMEZ Erzurum Technical University


Plantar Fasciitis, Rehabilitation, Myofascial Release, Treatment, Self-Myofascial Release


Plantar fasciitis, a major problem in orthopaedics, affects individuals with different demographic characteristics and activity levels. Characterised by excruciating heel pain, especially during weight bearing activities, this condition often impairs mobility and reduces quality of life. Myofascial release exercises show promise by offering a non-invasive and patient-centred approach to address the multifaceted nature of plantar fasciitis. By further examining the therapeutic effects of these exercises and elucidating their mechanisms of action, clinicians and researchers can pave the way for more effective and personalised management strategies for individuals struggling with this debilitating condition. To this end, the aim of this review is to examine the effects of myofascial release exercises on plantar fasciitis. Myofascial release exercises play a crucial role in the management of plantar fasciitis by addressing the underlying soft tissue restrictions and biomechanical imbalances that contribute to the condition. These exercises target the myofascial system including muscles, fascia and associated connective tissues, aiming to remove adhesions, improve tissue elasticity and restore optimal biomechanical function. Myofascial release exercises that address these factors offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to the treatment of plantar fasciitis with the potential to relieve pain, increase mobility and improve functional outcomes. While traditional treatment methods provide symptomatic relief for many individuals, they may not address the underlying soft tissue restrictions and biomechanical imbalances that contribute to the condition. Myofascial release exercises offer a promising adjunctive treatment for plantar fasciitis by targeting the myofascial system, improving tissue elasticity and restoring optimal biomechanical function.


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Author Biography

Mehmet SÖNMEZ, Erzurum Technical University

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation / Faculty of Health Sciences, Turkey


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How to Cite

SÖNMEZ, M. (2024). Myofascial Release Exercises in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Traditional Review . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(6), 170–175. Retrieved from


