The Relationship between Supply Chain Management and Total Quality Management: Impact on Business Performance and Productivity

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  • Ayşenur ERDİL İstanbul Medeniyet University


Business, Performance, Supply Chain Management, Total Quality Management


The great competitive environment in the world markets forces business managers to do the best of the best. Today's managers want to achieve the best, not better, in quality, customer service, job satisfaction and innovation and differentiation. A measurement and audit system to improve performance for performance management on the way to achieve excellence gains particular importance. In a global competitive environment, businesses need to be involved in a supply chain in order to survive and adapt to competitive conditions because it is very difficult for them to survive and increase their market shares alone. It is no longer a question of competition between businesses, but of competition between the supply chains in which these businesses are located. With the effective management of the supply chain, higher quality products have started to be produced at lower costs. The fact that businesses produce better quality goods causes them to gain competitive advantage and increase their market share. Therefore, the importance of the concept of quality has started to be realized and they have understood that quality must be ensured throughout the entire supply chain. Businesses that cannot fully grasp the concept of quality and do not attach importance to it are doomed not to survive much in this competitive environment. For this reason, businesses need to focus more on Supply Chain Management and Total Quality Management to improve their performance. Within the scope of the study, the concept of performance of enterprises, its importance, supply chain, supply chain management and total quality management concepts are emphasized. The impact of business performance and productivity on the supply chain management of the business and the relationship of these approaches and impact with the total quality management of the business were tried to be evaluated.


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Author Biography

Ayşenur ERDİL, İstanbul Medeniyet University

Faculty of Political Sciences, Türkiye


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How to Cite

ERDİL, A. (2024). The Relationship between Supply Chain Management and Total Quality Management: Impact on Business Performance and Productivity . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(6), 349–356. Retrieved from


