Contribution to the valorization of Klila, a traditional cheese from central Algeria.

Dairy Products, Klila, Valorization, Traditional Cheese, Central AlgeriaAbstract
The art of producing fermented dairy products has been passed down from generation to generation. The rich history of traditional Algerian food technology includes those abilities. Of Algeria's several traditional dairy products, Klila cheese appears to be the most manufactured and eaten. Typically, this traditional cheese is used for everyday home consumption; in addition, the people in the province have previously confirmed its medicinal benefits. Klila is a fresh or extra hard cheese made by heating, chopping, and sun-drying cow's milk curd, sheep's milk, or a combination of the two. A survey was conducted among 150 individuals in central Algeria's rural and urban areas, five samples were taken from different places in central Algeria (Birine, Djelfa, Massaad, Had Sahari, and Sidi Laadjal) for our physicochemical and microbiological study. This might account for the high acidity level seen at 84,64 D and a pH of 4,5. The abundance of both native and contaminating bacteria was indicated by the load in TAMF, with an average of 1.64 x 103 CFU/g, total coliforms were found in only two samples. The average of 1.88 x 108 CFU/g was for molds and yeasts that was observed. However, none of the examined samples included Salmonella, Clostridium, Fecal Coliforms, or Staphylococcus aureus. The primary agents of lactic fermentation, lactic acid bacteria, have a presence rate of up to 5.75 x 106 CFU/g.
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