Remarks on linear modelling for assessment of electricity consumption in Albania

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  • Sandër Kovaçi Polytechnic University of Tirana
  • Mira Kovaçi Center of Advanced Training


Linear Modelling, Electricity Consumption, Distribution, Nonlinear Analysis


The significance of the projected response by a standard model is conditioned from the accuracy of the prediction of the cause variables, the models used and also from the dynamics of the factor variables which affect the response. In this work we have discussed about predictions methods of the consumption of the electricity in Albania. We considered simple linear models which involves heterogeneous variables such as the temperature, and slowly varying variable as the econometric quantities, empirical trend and regression analysis. We concluded that using a single model the prediction and forecasting is questionable, and when considering several methods, we can recognise the range of the expected changes. For enhancing the prediction of the response variable in this case a deeper non-stationarity analysis, and more variables must be considered.


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Author Biographies

Sandër Kovaçi, Polytechnic University of Tirana

Department of Mathematical Engineering,  Albania

Mira Kovaçi, Center of Advanced Training

 Tirana, Albania


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How to Cite

Kovaçi, S., & Kovaçi, M. (2024). Remarks on linear modelling for assessment of electricity consumption in Albania. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(7), 258–267. Retrieved from


