Leak Flow Analysis Through Narrow Cracks In High-Pressure High Temperature Pipe

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  • Rahul Karmakar JIS College of Engineering
  • Prasun Bhattacharjee Jadavpur University


Crack Growth, Finite Element Method, Leak Detection, Pipeline Integrity, Pressure Contours


This research examines the behavior of high-pressure pipelines with narrow cracks under various pressure conditions relevant to transportation systems in power plants. The focus is on the detection and measurement of leaks, crucial for safety analysis, particularly in nuclear reactors where radioactive substances are transported. The study investigates crack formation and growth under sustained mechanical and thermal loads, emphasizing the importance of leak detection in Leak Before Break (LBB) analysis. Various numerical techniques, including the Finite Element Method (FEM), are used to evaluate crack growth and through-wall crack opening under high-pressure leak flow conditions. Material selection is also emphasized, with an analysis of different alloys, such as carbon steel and stainless steel. The research covers both rectangular and circular crack geometries, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to analyze mass flow rate and velocity under different pressure scenarios. Findings indicate that mass flux increases consistently with pressure for both crack types, highlighting the need for precise analysis and continuous monitoring to maintain pipeline integrity and prevent hazards. Inlet pressures ranging from 70 bar to 180 bar are considered to assess their impact on mass flux and leak flow velocity through the cracks. The study observed that mass flux and leak flow velocity both increased consistently with rising inlet pressure for rectangular cracks, while for circular cracks, mass flux showed similar growth, but leak flow velocity exhibited uneven growth with increasing inlet pressure. Pressure and velocity contour images are provided to visualize flow behavior through cracks of different geometries. Overall, this research offers valuable insights into crack behavior and leakage in high-pressure duct systems, contributing to the development of improved safety measures and maintenance strategies for power plant pipelines.


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Author Biographies

Rahul Karmakar, JIS College of Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering,  India

Prasun Bhattacharjee, Jadavpur University

Department of Mechanical Engineering, India


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How to Cite

Karmakar, R., & Bhattacharjee, P. (2024). Leak Flow Analysis Through Narrow Cracks In High-Pressure High Temperature Pipe. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(7), 370–395. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2010


