Electricity Generation from Renewable Sources: A Comparative Study of Türkiye and Japan

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  • Zeydin Pala Muş Alparslan University


Renewable Energy, Electrical Energy Production, Statistically Based Models, Time Series, Energy Forecasting


The study examines the trends in electricity generation from renewable sources in Türkiye and Japan from 1965 to 2023. It aims to forecast future renewable energy production using statistical models, comparing both countries' progress in renewable energy adoption. The data used for this analysis were sourced from Our World in Data and converted into time series for modeling. Several forecasting models, including AUTO.ARIMA, SES, ETS, TBATS, THETAF and Holt-Winters, were utilized to predict future trends, with the most accurate predictions evaluated based on Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) values. Türkiye and Japan's renewable energy trends reflect significant growth, particularly post-2010, with Japan showing a higher overall production.


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Author Biography

Zeydin Pala, Muş Alparslan University

Department of Software Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Muş, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Pala, Z. (2024). Electricity Generation from Renewable Sources: A Comparative Study of Türkiye and Japan. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(8), 76–82. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2024


