Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is third most imperative pulse crop followed by peas and soybean. Fifteen percent of the total pulse production in the world is contributed from chickpea. Chickpea grains are severely damaged in storages. Callosobruchus chinensis (Bruchidae: Coleoptera) is most severe pest in stored grains of chickpea. Seed weight loss 55 to 60 percent and protein content loss 46 to 66 percent is caused by infestation of C. chinensis in pulses. The present research was carried out to check the varietal response of chickpea genotypes to C. chinensis in year 2015-16 at Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Ten chickpea genotypes including; Five DESI (CM-98, 09-AG006, CH-10/8, PB 2008 and BHAKR-2011) and five KABULI (TG-12K-05, NOOR-2013, K-09015, CH-6808 and 09012) were obtained from the Pulses Research Program (PRP), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad. Antixenosis and antibiosis tests were carried out. The present results of antibiosis test showed that CM-98 proved to be resistant showing minimum (0.84) eggs per grain compared to the maximum (4.58) eggs per grain observed in CH-6808 genotype. Similarly number of holes also showed that CM-98 having minimum (0.047) holes per grain seemed to be resistant and chickpea genotype CH-6808 (susceptible) showing maximum (0.66) holes per grain. The maximum F1 adults of C. chinensis were observed in NOOR 2013 (37.67) proved to be susceptible genotype. NOOR-2013 was taken as the control genotype to calculate the % inhibition rate. However, the genotype, K-09015 (10.35 %) was seemed to be susceptible chickpea genotypes. Maximum inhibition rate (96.1%) was observed in CM-98 chickpea genotype. The results of percent weight loss and till 100% mortality of PB adults showed that all KABULI chickpea genotypes were showing susceptibility while all DESI were seemed to be resistant. In preference and non-preference test, attracted PB adults were counted minimum in DESI chickpea genotypes while dead PB adults were observed maximum in these varieties proved to be tolerant, when compared to all KABULI genotypes (susceptible) against C. chinensis. On the basis of morphological characteristics chickpea genotypes, CM-98, 09-AG006, CH-10/8, PB-2008 and BHAKR-2011 were statistically similar with each other and classified as resistant 125 genotypes while chickpea genotypes, TG-12K-05, NOOR-2013, K-09015, CH-6808 and 09012 were statistically different with above five genotypes and these were observed susceptible varieties.
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