An Overview of the Sustainability of Lean Production

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  • Ayşenur ERDİL İstanbul Medeniyet University


Business, Lean, Lean Management, Lean production


Today, it has become inevitable for companies to develop innovative strategies in order to achieve sustainable success due to increasingly intense competition conditions. Especially organizations operating in sectors where competition is intense and inevitable need to reduce their costs and increase their profits in order to survive in the globalizing world. One of the main elements of achieving these goals is to utilize the philosophy of Lean Management, one of the new management approaches. Lean management approach is a set of systems and techniques that aim to eliminate waste in the production process, to ensure more effective and efficient use of production capacity, and to increase business performance and business profitability. The most important constraint of the lean production technique during the implementation phase is that it requires a long-term and determined work. Within the scope of the research, information on lean philosophy and lean production was given.  A general information about lean production was presented and lean production techniques were mentioned. In addition, the benefits of lean production from sectoral applications are discussed and a general evaluation is made.


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Author Biography

Ayşenur ERDİL, İstanbul Medeniyet University

Faculty of Political Sciences, Türkiye


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How to Cite

ERDİL, A. (2024). An Overview of the Sustainability of Lean Production. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(8), 146–158. Retrieved from


