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  • Griselda Korçari Aldent University
  • Mirela Lika (Çekani) University of Tirana
  • Artan Trebicka University of Tirana


banana, children, age, specific IgE


Banana is a source of bioactive components (fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants)
which are important for the immune system as well as in the prevention of various diseases. Apart from its benefits,
this fruit also causes allergic reactions. Banana fruit allergy results from an abnormal immune response to banana
protein immediately after its consumption
Material and method. Our study was carried out in the city of Tirana in March-May 2024. This study is random
and 93 children aged 0-12 years participated. Each of them underwent a specific IgE test to detect the level of IgE
for this allergen. For the quantitative determination of IgE, the indirect ELISA method with Polycheck reagents was
Results of the study
The total number of patients is 93, with the same percentage of women and men: 49.5% and 50.5%. The age group
0-3 years had the highest number of cases with positive IgE for each allergen.
The laboratory results of specific IgE were processed with the SPSS version 21 program from Which resulted: There
is a weak but statistically significant negative correlation between age and positive reactions to banana. It was also
shown that there is no statistical relationship between gender and positive IgE.
Conclusions: this study shows a high prevalence of banana allergy in children. However, in the interpretation of this
result, different natural, climatic and environmental factors must be taken into consideration, as well as the cross
reactions of this allergen with other food and inhalant allergens.


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Author Biographies

Griselda Korçari, Aldent University

Department of Technical Medical Laboratory and Imaging, Faculty of Medical Technical Sciences, Tirana, Albania,

Mirela Lika (Çekani), University of Tirana

Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences

Artan Trebicka, University of Tirana

Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences


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How to Cite

Korçari, G., Lika (Çekani), M., & Trebicka, A. (2024). IS AGE A RISK FACTOR FOR BANANA ALLERGY IN CHILDREN? . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(9), 28–33. Retrieved from


