Application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Field of Healthcare

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  • Jandoubi Aymen Advanced Technologies Medical & Signals.
  • El Hamdi Ridha National Engineering School of Sfax
  • Njah Mohamed Technopole of Sfax


LLMs, NLP, Healthcare, Clinical decision-making,, Medical education, Electronic health records, Medical imaging, Personalized care


Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing healthcare by integrating advanced natural
language processing and machine learning technologies. This proposal outlines a survey to explore LLMs’
roles in healthcare, focusing on their development, performance, practical applications, and challenges. The
survey will examine how LLMs can enhance medical education, clinical decision-making, and manage
complex medical data for personalized care. Additionally, it will assess LLMs’ impact on medical
workflows, research, and diagnostics, addressing reliability, safety, and ethical considerations. This survey
aims to provide insights into LLMs’ transformative potential and guide future research and innovation.


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Author Biographies

El Hamdi Ridha, National Engineering School of Sfax


Njah Mohamed , Technopole of Sfax

Digital Research Center of Sfax, Tunisia.


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How to Cite

Aymen, J., Ridha, E. H., & Mohamed , N. (2024). Application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Field of Healthcare . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(9), 46–54. Retrieved from


