Significance of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industrial Safety

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  • Munevver Yakut Istanbul Beykent University


Industrial activity, security, artificial intelligence, digitalization


In today's conditions, where the digital age is accelerating with a very high acceleration,
technological transformations are very trendy.In this age where technology is used very effectively,
artificial intelligence is the most important element of the technological system. The use of artificial
intelligence has a very large share in this digital cycle, which constitutes and is used in a large part of human
life.The industrial area, which is the main area of industrialization, and the activities here are one of the
central cycles of the world. Therefore, artificial intelligence in industrial activities finds the opportunity to
be used for various purposes.Since industrial activities are labor-intensive sectors, the safety of human life
is important all over the world.In this study, a qualitative literature research was conducted to investigate
in detail the impact and use of artificial intelligence in the process of safety measures in industrial activities
and to reveal what kind of applications of artificial intelligence in this field. According to the result
obtained, it was seen that artificial intelligence was utilized in multiple areas while taking industrial safety


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Author Biography

Munevver Yakut, Istanbul Beykent University

Property Protection and Safety, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Yakut, M. (2024). Significance of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Industrial Safety . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(9), 105–110. Retrieved from


