For use in photovoltaic applications, high voltage gain hybrid boost converter mathematical modelling

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  • Muhammad Salman Khan University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar
  • Ahmad Wali Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar
  • Muhammad Ismail University of Engineering and Technology Mardan
  • Atta Ur Rehman University of Engineering and Technology Mardan
  • Muhammad Afzaal University of Engineering and Technology Mardan
  • Muhammad Sabeel Shah


Include, Boost Converter, Duty Cycle, Continues Conduction Mode (CCM), Switched Inductor, Switched Capacitor


On this research, a high voltage-gain Hybrid boost converter (HVHBC) is developed to achieve high voltage gain, good transient responsiveness, low voltage ripples, and sufficient efficiency when compared to a basic conventional boost converter and to lower the harmonic content on the output side. The suggested topology's voltage gain is 96% at a duty ratio of 0.55 and a frequency of 50 KHz. The suggested converter's circuit schematic has a switched inductor and switch capacitor architecture. As a result, the inductor reduces the voltage stress on the active switch, the output voltage of the proposed converter is high, and the reaction of different parameters is examined using the simulation tool PSIM.


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Author Biographies

Muhammad Salman Khan, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar

Department of Electrical Engineering, Pakistan.

Ahmad Wali, Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar


Muhammad Ismail, University of Engineering and Technology Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering, Pakistan

Atta Ur Rehman, University of Engineering and Technology Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering, Pakistan

Muhammad Afzaal, University of Engineering and Technology Mardan

Department of Electrical Engineering, Pakistan

Muhammad Sabeel Shah

Electrical Automation Department National Institute of Electronics Islamabad, pakistan


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How to Cite

Khan, M. S., Wali, A., Ismail, M., Rehman, A. U., Afzaal, M., & Shah, M. S. (2024). For use in photovoltaic applications, high voltage gain hybrid boost converter mathematical modelling . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), 97–103. Retrieved from


