Performance Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete using Different Fiber Proportions

Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Concrete Cracking, Flexural Strength, Plain Cement Concrete, Compressive StrengthAbstract
Concrete structures experience physical and chemical changes when they interact with the natural environment under service load conditions which results in cracking. Cracking is a critical problem which lowers the long-term service life, strength, as well as the durability of the concrete structures. Furthermore, if preventive measures are not taken on time, then these cracks will lead to the failure of structures. Fibers in different proportions when added into the concrete showed satisfactory performance in enhancing its mechanical properties. Both carbon and steel fibers are introduced in concrete and behaviors of both the Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) and Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) is evaluated based on the mechanical testing. Numerious mechanical characteristics including compressive, tensile, and flexural or modulus of rupture (MOR) strength of both steel and carbon fiber reinforced concrete have been compared with PCC. When slump values of PCC and FRC are compared, it is found that the slump of steel and carbon fiber reinforced concrete is reduced due to water thin film in comparison to that of PCC. In the study, stress strain behaviors of PCC and FRC is also compared. The optimum content of carbon as well as steel fiber of 0.3% and 5% by weight of cement is added which after 28 days moist curing is subjected to mechanical testing. The improvement observed in mechanical properties of FRC indicated that fiber content is effective in strength as well as durability regarding the prevention of cracks in the concrete.
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