An Analysis Study in OECD Countries on Pediatric Vaccines and Their Effects with Cluster Analysis and Multiple Regression Technique

Clustering, Multidimensional Scaling Analysis, OECD Countries, Child Vaccination Rates, Multiple Linear Regression AnalysisAbstract
In the study, Turkey's position in this field was examined children vaccination rates between the years 2000-2017 in the OECD countries by taking clustering technique. Data were tested by non hierarchical clustering method. Then it was analyzed by multi-dimensional scaling. According to the results of clustering, countries are grouped into 3 groups. The relationship between the results obtained and the development level of the countries are analyzed. As a result, clustering occurred between countries with distant values. In a multidimensional scaling analysis, child mortality data in Turkey in 2017 are used as the dependent variable. Health spending, Gdp, diphtheria, measles and hepatitis-b vaccination rates have been determined as impact factors. Purpose in the second analysis is to see to what extent these vaccines and a few variables affect and to put it numerically to the infant mortality rate in Turkey by looking at the obtained stress values.
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