Internet of Thing (IoT) Based Mobile Plant Irregation Application

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  • Serkan Sökmen Bilecik Seyh Edebali University
  • Vedat Marttin Bilecik Seyh Edebali University


Internet of Things (IoT), Computer and Communication Networks, Computer Software, NodeMCU, FireBase, MitAPP


Nowadays, the use of high-tech devices that make the lives of societies easier has gained
importance. Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) technology, devices communicate with each other and
create a smart communication ecosystem. IoT means that not only computers but also smart devices can
be connected to the internet. Large amounts of sensor data coming from physical environments are
evaluated and converted into information and transmitted to operators or relevant persons, or an activity is
carried out through the systems. For example, automatic irrigation projects such as plant watering are
designs that aim to ensure healthy growth of plants and plants and to beautify the environment. Automatic
irrigation system reduces time and effort in terms of practicality and helps to use water resources
efficiently. It also saves water in water-scarce areas. In this project, a remote control and monitoring
system was implemented using Arduino IDE, Firebase and MitAPP. Components such as Esp8266 Wifi
card, submersible pump, L9110 Dual Motor driver, soil moisture sensor are used. The application was
converted into an Android application via MitAPP Inventor and communication was established with the
Firebase database. In this way, plant moisture measurements can be displayed in real time and manual or
automatic watering can be done at any time. With the successful operation of this work, sufficient and
correct amount of water is provided to the plants. Thanks to the technologies and components used in this
study, it is aimed for the healthy growth of plants.


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Author Biographies

Serkan Sökmen, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University

Computer Programming Department, Pazaryeri Vocational School, Türkiye

Vedat Marttin, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University

Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Sökmen, S., & Marttin, V. (2024). Internet of Thing (IoT) Based Mobile Plant Irregation Application . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), 163–170. Retrieved from


