Analyzing Game Strategies of the Don’t Get Angry Board Game Using Computer Simulations

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  • Ladislav Végh J. Selye University
  • Štefan Gubo J. Selye University


Don’t Get Angry, Ludo, Board Game, Game Strategy, Computer Simulations


In the research described in this paper, we used computer simulations to analyze and compare
different types of game strategies in the popular board game Don't Get Angry. Following a brief
introduction, we summarized a few previous research papers examining similar board games' game
strategies. Next, after a review of the Don't Get Angry game's official rules, we outlined four strategies that
can be applied to increase the likelihood of winning. We simulated 50,000 games in which all four players
made their moves randomly and 50,000 games where each used a different strategy. We tracked how
frequently each player finished first, second, third, or last during the simulations. Furthermore, we recorded
how many rounds were needed to complete the game for each player, how many times the players’ pawns
were kicked out and returned to their houses by other players, and the number of players’ remaining steps
during every gameplay. From the analysis of the recorded data, we could conclude that significant
differences exist in the chances of winning the game for the examined strategies when all players use
different strategies. The results improve the specific domain knowledge for the Don't Get Angry board
game. It may help create more vigorous computer opponents and encourage further study to create a tool
for evaluating students' strategic thinking while playing.


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Author Biographies

Ladislav Végh , J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia

Štefan Gubo, J. Selye University

Department of Informatics, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Végh , L., & Gubo, Štefan. (2024). Analyzing Game Strategies of the Don’t Get Angry Board Game Using Computer Simulations . International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), 184–191. Retrieved from


