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  • Gökhan KÜLEKÇİ Gümüşhane University


Earthquakes, Cavities, Spaces


Earthquakes can damage underground mines in two main ways. First, earthquakes can cause axial shift of faults, creating cave-ins and fissures. This poses a serious danger to mine workers and infrastructure. Earthquake-induced collapses in underground mines may threaten the life safety of workers and disrupt the operations of mines. Secondly, earthquakes, especially in mines where gas emissions are common, may cause hairline cracks to coalesce and turn into larger cracks. This may lead to increased gas emissions and explosions and fires. Such incidents in gas-related mines, such as coal mines, both endanger the safety of workers and have negative effects on the sustainability of mines. Therefore, it is of great importance to be aware of the effects of earthquakes on underground mining operations and underground cavities and to take the necessary precautions to minimize such dangers. Protective measures such as structural strengthening, safe evacuation of workers, gas monitoring systems and fire suppression systems play a vital role in reducing risks from earthquakes. Scientific research and the development of mine safety standards play a critical role in minimizing the damage that earthquakes can cause to mining operations and underground cavities. In this article, the damages caused by historical earthquakes to mining enterprises and underground cavities are examined. Historical data shows how earthquakes can affect such structures. Past experiences provide important lessons to prevent similar situations from recurring in the future. For this purpose, technologies and protective measures that can be used to reduce the damage caused by earthquakes to mining operations and underground cavities are also discussed in this article. Appropriate measures taken against earthquakes are vital in protecting both human life and property. This study sheds light on efforts to understand the effects of earthquakes on underground mining operations and underground cavities and to make such structures safer. Understanding the effects of earthquakes on such structures is a critical step in reducing the effects of future disasters.


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Author Biography

Gökhan KÜLEKÇİ , Gümüşhane University

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Mining Engineering Department 29100, Gümüşhane, Türkiye


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. G KÜLEKÇİ, 2021, Tokluk İndeksi Ölçümünde Kullanılan, EFNARC ve Yuvarlak Plaka Eğilme Deney Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 2-2, 120-126




How to Cite

KÜLEKÇİ , G. (2024). DAMAGES CAUSED BY EARTHQUAKES TO MINES AND UNDERGROUND SPACES AND MINIMIZING THESE DAMAGES. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), 199–206. Retrieved from https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser/article/view/2084


