Inference of Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF) principles in architecture pedagogy at DoA-KAED, IIUM
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Humanizing Education, Architectural Education, IR 4.0, Sejahtera Academic FrameworkAbstract
Malaysia is deemed to leverage its human capital towards skillful professionals. In all fields of
tertiary education, students are shaped with the foundations of digitalization, cloud computing, the
Internet of Things, (IoT); Artificial Intelligent (A.I), Big Data, metaverse, autonomous robotics etc.
Nevertheless, with all these emergent advancements, is there any guarantee that human value would not
be jeopardized? This article infers the discourse of humanizing education, using the notion of Sejahtera
Academic Framework (SAF) principles, especially on its applicability to architecture pedagogy. With the
emergence of IR 4.0 advancements that overwhelms the tertiary education, a question has arisen, is there
any guarantee that human value would not be jeopardized? Hence, this paper has the objective to evaluate
the current pedagogic practice in architecture education in relation to the core principles and the auxiliary
tools of Sejahtera Academic Framework (SAF). To achieve the objective, qualitative approach of content
analysis is conducted as a strategy to inquire understanding on the subject discussed. This preliminary
research is significant to ensure alignment between SAF and architecture pedagogy could be established
firmly, to support the university’s vision.
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