Loss Factor Behavior of Oil Impregnated Paper Under the Effect of Temperature and Aging using Frequency Domain Spectroscopy

Power Transformer, Oil-Paper İnsulation, Aging, Temperature, Loss Factor, Frequency Domain SpectroscopyAbstract
Power transformer is crucial and expensive electrical transmission component. Regular maintenance is essential for prolonging the operational lifespan of this device. Dielectric testing techniques are a tool for evaluating and predicting the condition of transformer insulation systems. This paper investigates loss factor variation for two types of oil-impregnated paper used in power transformers, kraft and pressboard. During laboratory experiments, dielectric loss values were examined at different temperatures and thermal aging based on frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) with a frequency range from 0,01Hz to 1000Hz. The results showed that temperature and aging are two significant factors that influence the loss factor and the quality of the insulation of paper. In addition, these experiments revealed that a correlation exists between frequency and these two factors. Such correlation can be utilized for better prediction of paper insulation lifetime.
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