Seasonal Determination of Particulate Matter (PM) Pollution in Harran University Osmanbey Campus

Air Pollution, Outdoor Air Quality, Osmanbey Campus, PM2.5, PM10Abstract
Inhalable particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) pollution is a significant environmental and public health issue globally. Exposure to high levels of PM, especially fine particles, can have severe health consequences. These particles can come from a variety of sources, including natural events like dust storms and wildfires, as well as human activities such as industrial processes and transportation. In order to determine PM2.5 and PM10 levels at Şanlıurfa Harran University Osmanbey Campus, samples were taken at certain times of the day using the Termo Scientific pDR 1500 personal DataRam sampler device in the autumn and spring seasons. In order to determine spatial difference, 40 different points were determined within the campus. The highest value for PM2.5 in November 2019 was measured at Point 5 with 39.46 µg/m3. The highest value for PM10 was measured at Point 5 with 70.08 µg/m3. The highest value for PM2.5 in April 2020 was measured at Point 1 with 46.79 µg/m3. The highest value for PM10 was measured at Point 5 with 78.38 µg/m3. Considering the spatial distribution seven points (1, 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, and 32) with the highest PM2.5 and PM10 pollution were determined among 40 different points determined for both periods. Common reasons for this include the fact that these points are exposed to heavy vehicle use, the months in which the study was carried out are seasonal transition months, and dust transport is at its highest levels in these months, which supports the results. Moreover, low pollution levels were determined at the points where there is almost no vehicle use and are far from the campus center.
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