The quality of groundwater in the Boumalne region

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  • Hayat GHACHOUI Cadi Ayyad University
  • Souad LOQMAN Cadi Ayyad University
  • Ahmed ALGOUTI Cadi Ayyad University
  • Hanane TOUDMIRINI Cadi Ayyad University
  • Abdelfattah ABOUALFARJ Cadi Ayyad University
  • Said MOUJANE Cadi Ayyad University
  • Saloua AGLI Cadi Ayyad University
  • Hafsa BENALI Cadi Ayyad University


Groundwater, Contamination, Physical, Chemical, Biological Characterization, Water Quality


The negative contribution of humans has unbalanced the climate chain (biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, atmosphere). Because of the demographic explosion and industrial development. This has given rise to the notion of water scarcity. The contamination by chemical molecules and pathogens with clinical relevance represents a challenge for global public health, specifically in arid zones such as the Boumalne region. Thus, groundwater quality monitoring is necessary to provide early warnings and guide public policies to protect these precious resources. The present project focused, on the physical, chemical, and biological, characterization of the groundwater Dad. This investigation consists of analyzing 18 samples which were taken, of stations extending all Dades`s river starting from the upstream till the downstream. Boumalne's groundwater has a good pH with excellent total iron levels. However, electrical conductivity, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, and total coliforms are varied from low to excellent. Nitrate levels vary from average to excellent. Physico-chemical and biological quality decreases from upstream to downstream.


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Author Biographies

Hayat GHACHOUI , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco

Souad LOQMAN , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco

Ahmed ALGOUTI , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University, Morocco

Hanane TOUDMIRINI , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco

Abdelfattah ABOUALFARJ , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco

Said MOUJANE , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco

Saloua AGLI , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco

Hafsa BENALI , Cadi Ayyad University

Department of Medical biology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University, Morocco


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How to Cite

GHACHOUI , H., LOQMAN , S., ALGOUTI , A., TOUDMIRINI , H., ABOUALFARJ , A., MOUJANE , S., AGLI , S., & BENALI , H. (2024). The quality of groundwater in the Boumalne region. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(10), 427–431. Retrieved from


