Investigation of the Effects of Different Process Parameters on Deep Drawing Performance
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Deep Drawing, Erd 6224 Steel Sheet, Thinning RatioAbstract
Deep drawing is one of the most widely used plastic forming processes for obtaining three
dimensional deep structures from flat sheet metal. It is particularly important in the manufacture of
cylindrical containers. When the depth of the part is greater than its diameter, the process is called "deep
drawing" and can be successfully applied to various metal materials such as aluminium and steel.
In this study, deep drawing was applied to Erd 6224 steel sheets using a 250-ton hydraulic press. The
sheet samples were subjected to processing under different lubricants and descent speeds in order to study
the effect of these parameters on the deep drawing performance. The analyses evaluated the mechanical
properties of the sheet materials, such as total elongation and thinning rates, under different lubricants and
descent speeds. The results showed that the most uniform wall thickness was obtained using the Renol
Ep/Msx deep drawing lubricant.
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