Effect of Viscoelastic dampers on Earthquake Resistance of High-Rise Building

Retrofitting, Nonlinear Visco Elastic Dampers, Structural AccelerationAbstract
Construction of high-rise buildings has become a fundamental part of planning modern cities to overcome rapid urbanization. They serve as multifunctional hubs for commerce, trading, residential living and social interaction by optimizing the land use in densely populated areas. Over the time, the intensity of earthquakes has been increased, therefore the HRB’s designed for seismic loadings in the past may be vulnerable to the earthquakes in the near future. Apart from various techniques for fortification of existing structures against earthquakes, the current study aims to investigate the impact of application of Viscoelastic dampers on existing HRB’s as a retrofitting measure against seismic loadings. To arrive at a conclusion, the study compares the seismic performance of a 40 story HRB with and without viscoelastic dampers. Nonlinear viscous dampers have been used in the current study. The effect of viscous dampers against seismic zone 2-B has been investigated in terms of the seismic parameters which are structure acceleration, story drifts, story displacements and energy dissipations. Adding the non-linear Viscoelastic Dampers (VEDs) in the structure caused a decreased the inter-story drift. Moreover, there has been a significant increase in the energy dissipation by the structure. Most of this energy is observed to be dissipated by the VEDs. The findings demonstrate that integrating non-linear Viscoelastic dampers into the current structure significantly improved the system's effectiveness in reducing undesired vibrations. This study's findings provide useful insights into applying non-linear visco elastic dampers to improve the seismic performance of existing buildings, as well as guidance for developing effective techniques to lessen the impact of seismic events on pre-existing structures.
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