Development of Sustainable Concrete to assure Resilience and Durability via Self-Sensing

Self-Sensing, Sustainable, Carbon Fibers, Resilience, Electrical ResistivityAbstract
Concrete is the most abundant construction material and requires sustainable practices for better performance. A main manifestation of deterioration in concrete structures is cracking due to the low tensile resistance of the material, thus affecting its durability, and resilience and also impacting sustainable practices. Crack detection and monitoring are essential for structural safety, especially when critical structures such as nuclear power plants and dams are concerned. The objective of the research presented here is to revisit the self-sensing potential of concrete including short carbon fibers. These carbon fibers are semiconductors and decrease the resistivity of concrete. The decrease in resistivity helps identify the generation of flaws, such as cracks. In this paper, electrical resistivity measurements were performed using the compressed electrode method, and a comparative study was conducted on four different concrete mixtures containing different amounts of short carbon fibers. The curing time of concrete is also considered a variable in the experimental program. So that the effect of curing on self-sensing behavior can be determined. Till now cement mortar was tested for this ability. In this study, concrete specimens were made and tested for self-sensing ability.
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