Software Engineering Perspective on Object Detection Studies: Current Status and Challenges

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  • Sevinç AY Firat University


Software Engineering, Object Detection, Deep Learning, Software, Artificial Intelligence


Software is a popular field of study where studies in this field increase as its use increases. Software engineering is a branch of engineering that covers the development and maintenance processes of software products of different sizes and types. Software engineering is a field where studies are carried out in many different fields. In recent years, it has also shown a great change with its current work areas. With the development of artificial intelligence and deep learning studies, the work areas of software engineers are also updated and developed. Object detection and recognition applications are software that are intensively studied and are the basic parts of many software products. Performing object detection and recognition in a video sequence or image is considered a difficult process. However, in recent years, software engineers have achieved quite successful results in object detection applications. While studies in this field continue, this study was presented in order to reveal the current situation. A study was conducted to reveal the difficulties, new trends and expectations of software engineers who will consider working in the field of object detection.


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Author Biography

Sevinç AY, Firat University

Department of Software Engineering, Turkey


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How to Cite

AY, S. (2024). Software Engineering Perspective on Object Detection Studies: Current Status and Challenges. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8(10), 249–253. Retrieved from


